This guide explains all the pre-built stages supported in pipelines.

Add Filter

Add Filter action allows you to define the term filters that will get applied on the search type of queries. For example, if somebody searches for iphone then you may want to apply a brand filter with value as apple.



This is a required field

Type: object

Key: data

To add a custom filter to the query, for e.g, '{ 'authors.keyword': 'Simone Elkeles' }' would filters books by author.


Authorize users with Appbase permissions.


No inputs are required


Boost stage is useful to boost search results by a specific field’s value, for example, show items with 'holiday-sale' and 'premium' values for 'tag' field above other items.


Boost Factor

Type: integer

Key: boostFactor

Boost factor to be used by boost operation, for e.g, boost_factor as 2 & boostType as 'multiply' would multiply the score by 2 and re-ranks the results.

Boost Max Docs

Type: integer

Key: boostMaxDocs

Maximum number of documents to boost.

Boost Operation

Type: string

Key: boostOp

Boost operation, for e.g 'add' or 'multiply'.

Boost Size Threshold

Type: integer

Key: boostSizeThreshold

Maximum 'from' + 'size' value till the boost stage will get applied

Boost Type

Type: string

Key: boostType

To define the type of boost stage. Defaults to 'score'.

Data Field

Type: string

Key: dataField

Field name to match value to find documents to rank.

Query Format

Type: string

Key: queryFormat

Query operator for boost query, can have values as 'or' and 'and'. Defaults to 'or'.


Type: array

Key: value

To define the matching values to boost results, for e.g show items with '['holiday-sale', 'premium values']' for 'tag' data field above other items.

Apply Custom Data

Helps in sending the custom JSON data in the search response. This will be helpful when you want to send some extra information to the frontend, which can help in rendering more specific information.



This is a required field Key: data

Custom data to be returned in response, for e.g, { facets: { color: 'red', brand: 'Apple' }}.


To perform a request to Elasticsearch Backend.

Elasticsearch stage supports async execution. In case of asynchronous execution, you're expected to write a merge script to consume the response from elasticsearch. The elasticsearch response would be present in global script context with stage Id (defaults to elasticsearchQuery) as key.



Type: string

Key: body

Request body in string format, e.g, {"query":{"match_all":{}}}.

Request Headers

Type: object

Key: headers

Request headers, for e.g, '{ Content-Type: 'application/json' }'

Independent Body

Type: string

Key: independentBody

Array of independent requests, i:e ones that contain the endpoint in the query.

Request Method

Type: string

Key: method

Http request method, for e.g, 'POST'. The default value is the pipeline request method.

Query params

Type: object

Key: params

Request query params, for e.g, '{ format: 'JSON' }'

Parse Response to ReactiveSearch API

Type: boolean

Key: parseResponseToReactivesearch

If set to 'true', then it would transform the Elasticsearch response to RS API response. Defaults to 'true', if route category is 'reactivesearch'.


Type: string

Key: path

URL path, for e.g '/_search'.

Request URL

Type: string

Key: url

Elasticsearch URL, for e.g, ''. The URL can have path and query params too, for instance, ''.

Hide Results

It helps in hiding certain results from getting included in the actual search results. For example, you want to hide products that not available in the store, or you want to hide results that contain irrelevant data.



This is a required field

Type: array

Key: data

An array of document ids to hide from results. For e.g, '['id_1', 'id_2']'

HTTP Request

This stage is useful to perform HTTP requests.



Type: string

Key: body

Request body in string format, e.g, {"query":{"match_all":{}}}.

Request Headers

Type: object

Key: headers

Request headers, for e.g, '{ Content-Type: 'application/json' }'

Request Method

Type: string

Key: method

Http request method, for e.g, 'POST'. The default value is the pipeline request method.

Query params

Type: object

Key: params

Request query params, for e.g, '{ format: 'JSON' }'

Request URL

This is a required field

Type: string

Key: url

Request URL, for e.g, ''.

kNN Response

k Nearest Neighbor (kNN) modifies the ElasticSearch Query with a script_score condition to re-rank the top n results.


Search Backend

Type: string

Key: backend

Search backend, defaults to 'elasticsearch'.

Type: object

Key: search


To perform a request to MarkLogic.



Type: object

Key: headers

Headers to be passed in the Solr query request.


Type: string

Key: password

Password to access the URI passed


Type: string

Key: type

Type of request to make to MarkLogic. Valid options are sparql, search or optic


Type: string

Key: uri

URI to connect to the fusion instance. If passed, host, app, profile and credentials will be ignored and not required. Example: 'http://username:password@localhost:6764/api/apps/appbase/query/appbase'


Type: string

Key: username

Username to access the URI passed


To perform a request to MongoDB.

MongoDB stage supports async execution. In case of asynchronous execution, you're expected to write a merge script to consume the response from mongoDB. The mongoDB response would be present in global script context with stage Id (defaults to mongoDBQuery) as key.


Request Body

Type: array

Key: body

MongoDB custom aggregations query, for e.g, [ { '$facet': { 'hits': [ { '$limit': 10 } ], 'total': [ { '$count': 'count' } ] } } ]


This is a required field

Type: string

Key: collection

Collection name, e.g. 'listingsAndReviews'

Connection Options

Type: string

Key: connectionOptions

Connection options, e.g 'maxPoolSize=20&w=majority'


This is a required field

Type: string

Key: credentials

Auth credentials. For example, 'user@pass'.

Database Name

This is a required field

Type: string

Key: db

Database name, e.g. 'sample_airbnb'


This is a required field

Type: string

Key: host

Host name and port of instance(s). For example, ''.


Type: string

Key: protocol

Protocol. For example, 'mongodb+srv'.

Promote Results

Helps in promoting results at a certain position in your result set. For example, when a user searches for iphone you want to promote air pods.



This is a required field

Type: array

Key: data

An array of objects to promote, for e.g, '[{ 'doc': { '_id': 'id_1', '_source': { 'title': 'id_1' } }, 'position': 10 }]'.


Reactivesearch stage translates the reactivesearch query to equivalent query of search backend.


No inputs are required

Record Analytics

To record Appbase search analytics. Record Analytics stage is only applicable for reactivesearch requests.


No inputs are required

Record Click

Record click event for a search query term or a previously searched query (represented by a X-Search-Id)


No inputs are required

Record Conversion

Record conversion event for a previously searched query (represented by a X-Search-Id)


No inputs are required

Record Favorite

Record a favorite (aka like) user action for a search result document (aka hit)


No inputs are required

Record Saved Search

Record the search state of a ReactiveSearch query, useful for replaying a query at a later time


No inputs are required

Remove Words

Removing words is the progressive loosening of query constraints to include more results when none are initially found.

For example, imagine an online smartphone shop that sold a limited inventory of iPhones in only 16GB and 32GB varieties. Users searching for “iphone 5 64gb” would see no results. This is not ideal behavior - it would be far better to show users some iPhone 5 results instead of a blank page.



This is a required field

Type: array

Key: data

To remove a list of words from the search query, for e.g, ['iphone'].

Replace Search Term

It helps in replacing the user's entire search query with another query. Helps in showing relevant results to users, especially when you are aware of the analytics that certain search term is returning no results.



This is a required field

Type: string

Key: data

Search query to replace the request's query, for e.g, 'iphoneX'.

Replace Words

It allows you to replace words in search query. For example, if you make tv a synonym for television, the stage can replace tv with television so that only television is used to search.



This is a required field

Type: object

Key: data

To replace words from search query, for e.g, { 'iphone': 'iphoneX' }.

Search Relevancy

Search Relevancy stage is useful to define the default settings for search queries. For example, to set the default size as 10 for search queries.


Search Query Settings

Type: object

Key: geo

Default query settings applicable to 'geo' type of queries. You can find all the properties at here.

Search Query Settings

Type: object

Key: range

Default query settings applicable to 'range' type of queries. You can find all the properties at here.

Search Query Settings

Type: object

Key: search

Default query settings applicable to 'search' type of queries. You can find all the properties at here.

Search Query Settings

Type: object

Key: suggestion

Default query settings applicable to 'suggestion' type of queries. You can find all the properties at here.

Search Query Settings

Type: object

Key: term

Default query settings applicable to 'term' type of queries. You can find all the properties at here.

Searchbox Preferences

Searchbox Preferences stage is useful to specify the searchbox preference id for making suggestion queries. A searchbox id represents the design + layout, popular, recent, and endpoint settings for a suggestions experience, configurable from the ReactiveSearch dashboard


SearchBox Id

Type: string

Key: id

Searchbox Id to apply the searchbox preferences for suggestion type of requests.


To perform a request to a Solr search engine



Type: string

Key: app

App to search the query in. Example: 'appbase'


Type: string

Key: collection

Collection in Solr to run the query against. Example: 'appbase'


Type: string

Key: credentials

Credentials to access the fusion host. Example: 'username:password'


Type: object

Key: headers

Headers to be passed in the Solr query request.


Type: string

Key: host

Host name and port for Fusion. For example: 'localhost:6764'


Type: string

Key: profile

Profile in Fusion to search the query in. Example: 'appbase'


Type: string

Key: protocol

Protocol to use for connecting. Defaults to 'http'.


Type: string

Key: query

Query to run on Solr. If passed, this query will be prioritized over the query built from ReactiveSearch stage. Example: 'q=:&qf=some_field'

Query String

Type: object

Key: queryString

Query string to pass in the final query along with the built query. Should be an object with key value pairs. Example: 'extraParams=debug'

Suggestion Profile

Type: string

Key: suggestionProfile

Profile in Fusion to send the request to for suggestion type of query. Example: 'popular-searches'


Type: string

Key: uri

URI to connect to the fusion instance. If passed, host, app, profile and credentials will be ignored and not required. Example: 'http://username:password@localhost:6764/api/apps/appbase/query/appbase'

Apply Cached Response

To apply the cached response. It is recommended to apply cached response after authentication.


No inputs are required


To perform a request to Zinc



Type: string

Key: credentials

Credentials to access the Zinc host. Example: 'username:password'


Type: object

Key: headers

Headers to be passed in the Zinc request.


Type: string

Key: host

Host name and port for Zinc. For example: 'localhost:4080'

Independent Body

Type: string

Key: independentBody

Array of independent requests, i:e ones that contain the endpoint in the query.


Type: string

Key: protocol

Protocol to use for connecting. Defaults to 'http'.

Request URL

Type: string

Key: url

Zinc URL, for e.g: ''. The URL can have path and query params too, for instance, ''.